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Text File  |  2000-10-23  |  9KB  |  214 lines

  1. /* American FWC Translation file v4.07c */
  2. Sunday$    = 'Sunday'
  3. Monday$    = 'Monday'
  4. Tuesday$   = 'Tuesday'
  5. Wednesday$ = 'Wednesday'
  6. Thursday$  = 'Thursday'
  7. Friday$    = 'Friday'
  8. Saturday$  = 'Saturday'
  10. January$   = 'January'
  11. February$  = 'February'
  12. March$     = 'March'
  13. April$     = 'April'
  14. May$       = 'May'
  15. June$      = 'June'
  16. July$      = 'July'
  17. August$    = 'August'
  18. September$ = 'September'
  19. October$   = 'October'
  20. November$  = 'November'
  21. December$  = 'December'
  23. AddEvent$       = 'Add Event'
  24. AddIC$          = '+IC'
  25. All$            = 'All'
  26. BiOrWeekly$     = '(Bi)Weekly'
  27. Biweekly$       = 'Biweekly'
  28. Bottom$         = 'Bottom'
  29. BoxColor$       = 'Box'
  30. BoxDates$       = 'Box Dates'
  31. Boxed$          = '_Boxed'
  32. Calendar$       = 'Calendar'
  33. Calendars$      = 'Calendars'
  34. Cancel$         = '_Cancel'
  35. CantFind$       = "can't be found"
  36. Center$         = 'Center'
  37. Clear$          = 'Clear'
  38. Color$          = 'Color'
  39. Colors$         = 'Colors'
  40. Comment$        = 'Comment'
  41. Critical$       = 'Critical error'
  42. DailyColors$    = 'Use daily colors'
  43. DeleteEvent$    = 'Delete Event'
  44. Done$           = 'Done'
  45. Easter$         = 'Easter'
  46. End$            = 'End'
  47. EnterEvent$     = 'You must enter an event...'
  48. EnterEventInfo$ = 'Enter event information'
  49. EnterNewIC$     = 'Enter new ImageClass'
  50. EnterStartdate$ = 'You must enter a start date...'
  51. Even$           = 'Even'
  52. Event$          = 'Event'
  53. Extended$       = 'Extended'
  54. File$           = 'File'
  55. First$          = 'First'
  56. Fixed$          = 'Fixed'
  57. Floating$       = 'Floating'
  58. Font$           = 'Font'
  59. Fonts$          = 'Fonts'
  60. ForDetails$     = 'for details'
  61. ForwardContent$ = 'Forward contents of output to'
  62. ForwardLog$     = 'Forward log file to'
  63. Fourth$         = 'Fourth'
  64. Frequency$      = 'Frequency'
  65. GeneratingM$    = 'Generating %s %s calendar'
  66. GeneratingY$    = 'Generating %s calendar'
  67. Go$             = 'Go'
  68. Header$         = '%s %s'
  69. HighlightEd$    = 'Highlight Editor'
  70. Highlights$     = 'Highlights'
  71. History$        = 'History'
  72. Holiday$        = 'Holiday'
  73. Images$         = 'Images'
  74. Julian$         = 'Julian'
  75. JulJulLeft$     = 'Jul/Jul Left'
  76. JulLeft$        = 'Jul Left'
  77. Last$           = 'Last'
  78. Left$           = 'Left'
  79. Line$           = '_Line'
  80. Load$           = '_Load'
  81. MatchColors$    = 'Date Color = Highlight Color'
  82. MiniCals$       = 'MiniCals'
  83. MiscVar$        = 'Miscellaneous Variables'
  84. MultiMonth$     = 'Multi-Month'
  85. MustUse$        = "You must use the gadget to*nthe right for this value."
  86. NextDay$        = 'Next day'
  87. Noncritical$    = 'Noncritical warning'
  88. None$           = 'None'
  89. NotClear$       = '<'Clear$'> can only be used for "Background." variables...'
  90. Note$           = 'Notes'
  91. NoteBox$        = 'Note box'
  92. Notice$         = 'notice'
  93. Odd$            = 'Odd'
  94. OK$             = '_OK'
  95. OK2$            = 'OK'
  96. Once$           = 'Once'
  97. Options$        = 'Options'
  98. OptLayout$      = 'Options & Layout'
  99. OrientMarg$     = 'Orientation & Margins'
  100. Phases$         = 'Phases'
  101. PleaseWait$     = 'please wait'
  102. PrepReq$        = 'Preparing requester'
  103. PreviousDay$    = 'Prev day'
  104. ProcessEvents$  = 'Processing events'
  105. Random$         = 'Random'
  106. Reset$          = '_Reset'
  107. Right$          = 'Right'
  108. RiseSet$        = 'Rise/Set'
  109. SaveAs$         = '_Save as'
  110. Second$         = 'Second'
  111. See$            = 'see'
  112. SeeOutput$      = 'see the output above for details'
  113. SeeShell$       = 'see the shell output for details'
  114. SelectApp$      = 'Select application'
  115. SelectFile$     = 'Select data file'
  116. SelectFont$     = 'Select font'
  117. SelectImage$    = 'Select image'
  118. SelectPrefs$    = 'Select name for prefs file'
  119. SingleMonth$    = 'Single Month'
  120. Start$          = 'Start'
  121. SubHeader$      = ''
  122. Sunrise$        = 'Sunrise'
  123. Sunset$         = 'Sunset'
  124. Tall$           = 'Tall'
  125. TextColor$      = 'Text'
  126. Third$          = 'Third'
  127. Top$            = 'Top'
  128. TopLong$        = 'Extra week at top'
  129. Type$           = 'Type'
  130. Unable$         = 'if you are unable to resolve the problem.'
  131. VarGUITitle$    = 'Set desired variables'
  132. Variables$      = 'Variables'
  133. Weekend$        = 'Weekend'
  134. Weekly$         = 'Weekly'
  135. WeekNumber$     = 'Week Number'
  136. WeekType$       = 'Week Type'
  137. WholeYear$      = 'Whole Year'
  138. Wide$           = 'Wide'
  140. Help$                       = 'Help message'
  141. Help$.ClickTabHelp          = 'Different tabs display*ndifferent variables'
  142. Help$.MiniCalsGadHelp       = 'Include mini-calendars showing*nthe previous & next months'
  143. Help$.HighlightsGadHelp     = 'Include highlights on*nthe generated calendar'
  144. Help$.ImagesGadHelp         = 'Include images on*nthe generated calendar'
  145. Help$.BoxDatesGadHelp       = 'Surround day numbers*nwith boxes'
  146. Help$.ExtendedGadHelp       = 'Include days from the previous*nand next months on the*ngenerated calendar'
  147. Help$.TopLongGadHelp        = 'Include days from the sixth week*nat the top of the calendar'
  148. Help$.NoteBoxGadHelp        = 'Include an area to write notes*nwhere no dates are printed'
  149. Help$.TopMargGadHelp        = "Set calendar's top margin*nRemember to <RETURN>"
  150. Help$.LeftMargGadHelp       = "Set calendar's left margin*nRemember to <RETURN>"
  151. Help$.OrientationGadHelp    = "Set calendar's orientation"
  152. Help$.RightMargGadHelp      = "Set calendar's right margin*nRemember to <RETURN>"
  153. Help$.BottomMargGadHelp     = "Set calendar's bottom margin*nRemember to <RETURN>"
  154. Help$.FontVarGadHelp        = 'Select the font variable to set'
  155. Help$.FontValGadHelp        = 'Displays the choosen font value'
  156. Help$.ChooseFontGadHelp     = 'Select the desired font'
  157. Help$.ColorVarGadHelp       = 'Select the color variable to set'
  158. Help$.CycleColorVarGadHelp  = 'Cycle through the color variables*nShift to reverse cycle'
  159. Help$.ColorValGadHelp       = 'Select the desired color'
  160. Help$.MatchColorsGadHelp    = 'Use the highlight text color*nfor the date/date box'
  161. Help$.DailyColorsGadHelp    = 'Use the Color.(Weekday) colors*nfor the date/date box'
  162. Help$.HighlightEditGadHelp  = 'Bring up the*nHighlight Editor'
  163. Help$.MiscVarGadHelp        = 'Select the desired*nmiscellaneous variable'
  164. Help$.CycleMiscVarGadHelp   = 'Cycle through the miscellaneous variables*nShift to reverse cycle'
  165. Help$.MiscValGadHelp        = 'Enter the desired variable value'
  166. Help$.ChooseValGadHelp      = 'Used only for selecting files/paths'
  167. Help$.Extra3Help            = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's top-center"
  168. Help$.Extra4Help            = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's top-right"
  169. Help$.Extra0Help            = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's bottom-left"
  170. Help$.Extra1Help            = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's bottom-center"
  171. Help$.Extra2Help            = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's bottom-right"
  172. Help$.MonthGadHelp          = 'Select desired month'
  173. Help$.YearGadHelp           = 'Select or enter*ndesired year'
  174. Help$.MonthlyGadHelp        = 'Begin generation of*na monthly calendar'
  175. Help$.YearlyGadHelp         = 'Begin generation of*na yearly calendar'
  176. Help$.ResetGadHelp          = 'Reset all variables to defaults'
  177. Help$.LoadGadHelp           = 'Load a new preference file'
  178. Help$.SaveAsGadHelp         = 'Save current settings to*na new preference file'
  179. Help$.CancelGadHelp         = 'Cancel FWCalendar'
  180. Help$.EH_EventGadHelp       = 'Enter the Highlight as it*nwill show up on calendar'
  181. Help$.EH_ChooseEventGadHelp = 'Select Image file to be printed on calendar'
  182. Help$.EH_ListEventGadHelp   = 'List all Highlights*nfor current month'
  183. Help$.EH_CycleEventGadHelp  = 'Cycle through all Highlights*nfor current month'
  184. Help$.EH_CommentGadHelp     = 'Enter optional comment'
  185. Help$.EH_MonthGadHelp       = 'Select month to work with'
  186. Help$.ExtraDHelp            = 'Select the date on*nwhich the Highlight falls'
  187. Help$.EH_ColorGadHelp       = 'Select color to be*nused for the Highlight'
  188. Help$.EH_HLTypeGadHelp      = 'Select the Highlight type'
  189. Help$.EH_WeekNumberGadHelp  = 'Select which week a floating*nHighlight occurs in'
  190. Help$.EH_WeekTypeGadHelp    = 'Select frequency of weekly Highlights'
  191. Help$.EH_WeekendGadHelp     = 'Determine whether or not the*nHighlight can fall on a weekend'
  192. Help$.EH_HolidayGadHelp     = 'Treat the Highlight as a holiday'
  193. Help$.EH_EasterGadHelp      = 'The number of days before or*nafter Easter for the Highlight'
  194. Help$.EH_AddEventGadHelp    = 'Add a new Highlight'
  195. Help$.EH_DeleteEventGadHelp = 'Delete the currently*ndisplayed Highlight'
  196. Help$.EH_DoneGadHelp        = 'Save all changes to Highlights'
  197. Help$.GE_EventTypeGadHelp   = 'Select to enter Event or*nuse an Event file'
  198. Help$.GE_EventGadHelp       = 'Enter Event or display Event file'
  199. Help$.GE_FontNameGadHelp    = 'Display font to be used'
  200. Help$.GE_FontSizeGadHelp    = 'Enter font size to use'
  201. Help$.GE_ChooseFontGadHelp  = 'Select font to be used'
  202. Help$.GE_ResetGadHelp       = 'Reset font and font size'
  203. Help$.GadIDHelp             = 'Enter Event start and end dates'
  204. Help$.GE_StartGadHelp       = 'Display Event start date'
  205. Help$.GE_EndGadHelp         = 'Display Event end date'
  206. Help$.GE_TextColorGadHelp   = 'Select color to be*nused for Event text'
  207. Help$.GE_LineGadHelp        = 'Select row on which*nEvent will be printed'
  208. Help$.GE_BoxedGadHelp       = 'Surround Event with a box'
  209. Help$.GE_BoxColorGadHelp    = 'Select color for box*nsurrounding Event'
  210. Help$.GE_FrequencyGadHelp   = 'Select frequency of Event'
  211. Help$.GE_OKGadHelp          = 'Use entered data to add*nEvent to calendar'
  212. Help$.GE_CancelGadHelp      = 'Cancel FWCAddEvent'